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About Me

Hallo, Guten Morgen! My name is Kiersten Boehm and I’m writing this food blog to help inspire people to move beyond the basic staple meats of our society, beef, chicken, and pork, and explore the world of “wild meats.” For this blog I will be focusing my attention around three of the more common and my favorite wild meats, goose, duck, and venison. A native Minnesotan, I’ve been hunting since I was in kindergarten mainly under the guidance of my father and have learned a lot through the years. Hunting has given me an appreciation for the environment and it has allowed me to develop a love for eating wild game. In my family we eat everything that we kill and in addition help to sustain the local populations of wild life. Since growing up, I’ve moved to Chicago to attend Loyola University Chicago and am currently a senior working my way swiftly to the finish line as I round out my dual degrees in journalism and anthropology. I was recently taught how to cook “properly” by my boyfriend and fellow hunter, Dan. His passion for food and the genuine enjoyment and satisfaction that comes after cooking and eating a good meal has bled into me, inspiring me to leave behind my staples of Diet Coke and sweets to learn the language of food.

Please feel free and encouraged to leave comments, tips about cooking game, links about hunting and any questions. My email is kboehm1@gmail.com and that is the best way to get in contact with me.

Enjoy! Experience the fulfillment of eating the ultimate organic and support ethical hunting.

Samson and me boating in the mini boat on the Skokie Lagoons.

Side note: Not all of the “wild meat” focused on in this site will be actual wild game, that is almost impossible in Chicago, but it will focus on game that is also farm raised.

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